... Episode 16 of the What's Arising Podcast
We live in an amazing time when our access to vast knowledge and information is right at our fingertips and expanding at exponential rates, especially now with the emergence of AI. This has come with tremendous benefits for individuals and humanity, but is there a 'dark side'? Can the accumulation of knowledge be limiting our capacity to access wisdom and truth? In this podcast, I'll explore and contrast some of the light or positive aspects of accumulating knowledge, with the power and possibilities of letting go of what we think we know, embracing uncertainty and exploring our world with open inquiry and the wholeness of heart.
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Richard Schultz assists leaders in unlocking their true potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives. Courses, life mentoring and dialogue with Richard can help you live your legacy and build capacity to thrive with change!
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So welcome once again to what's arising the subject of this particular episode.
I want to talk about the light and dark of the know it all or knowing it all.
What are the shadows around this culture of needing to know things or needing to have all the knowledge?
And I'm coming to this, and this is arising from me because of a few encounters recently with no adults.
And what I'd like to do is take it back often to self in my own journey, especially if I'm triggered around something or frustrated around something that takes me out of self.
So that's what I want to talk about.
And I think there's some interesting insights perhaps for you and me as I as I explore this particular journey into the nodal.
And before I get started, I'll ring my bowl again to just get myself present for sure and into the energy of this podcast and invite you in to be present with it.
Also no no, We live in such amazing times, don't we?
Explosion of knowledge and information in this so-called information age, the vast amount of things that are at our fingertips through our phones and computers, through the Internet.
Ask any question of Google and you'll probably find the answers.
That's just so much out there and so much we're creating in the realm of knowledge and information and collection of data and and all kinds of creativity within that too.
It has expanded our capacities for healthcare in many ways.
Our economics is so much dependent on the information flow.
Science has exploded into unknown realms.
There's so much understanding of this material world and also this a more and more understanding and information at our fingertips about the non physical world.
And recently, of course, we've got to this place of of creating these AI systems which is going to be explosive again in terms of us being able to know things, to find information.
So this has all been a good thing and amazing, but there are some shadow sides to having all this information at our fingertips and some future possibilities.
I think in that also what tends to bug me about this world is and this this knowledge is within the information age.
We've almost got to this cult of experts, this cult following of the experts and putting a lot of our power and praise into these people who are so-called experts and expert knowledge.
And we are marketed the secret knowledge to this and that and education and everything else, which is beautiful on one side.
But somehow we give, we're giving up our empowerment, our agency, our owning and of and our responsibility to the experts.
And we can blame the experts if they don't get it right or whatever.
And scientific models and everything else which we we have this worship of knowledge rather than a worship or a reverence for wisdom.
And they're different.
In this information age and this cult of experts.
Knowledge is of course power, and also power over in the sense that people have power over you, where you have power over others if you have more knowledge.
And we've become accustomed to this as one of the shadows.
And power is money, and money is power, and knowledge is power and money.
So the more knowledge we have, the more things we know.
Chances are we will get a better job than others.
We will be able to lead, tell others what to do and that can coax our pride and our self importance and make people lesser than us or on the other side better than us because they are smart and we are stupid or whatever in this information age.
And what we've got into now is also this.
This sense of secret knowledge that some people have, oh, I have this secret knowledge and I'm going to reveal it to you.
So this enticing through the marketing of the secret of this and the secret of that and and this craving or wanting to know, I I want to be in the know of these things and I'll have more knowledge, power, money, prestige, all of those kinds of things.
The secret formulas.
And there's so much much misinformation and disinformation too that's being spread and it's hard to decipher what's true and what's not true in our quest for knowledge and truth.
And there's so much manipulation there.
Censorship and dogma and limits, conditioning, propaganda.
And we start to get we're starting to get so polarized into a lot of right, wrong thinking, aligning ourselves around these this information versus that information.
So it's getting quite confusing this world of information.
But again, amazing step in human evolution to have such access to information.
One of the challenges of this is it's very much about satisfying the left brain.
It's reductionist, it's material, it's mechanical knowledge.
It's trying to mostly explore how things work from a parts and pieces from a left brain's way of thinking.
I want to talk more about the right brain a little bit more in a minute, but first I'll I'll tell you some of my own story around.
Um, the know it all and my own story around needing to be in the know and know it all.
And I suspect I have lots of aspects of that still to uncover and let go of and step into the not knowing field and curiosity more.
But when I was growing up I had a kind of a critical father on if you know the any gram I'm a I used to be anyway A1 on the anagram if when I did the tests.
And that's critical father fear failure, making mistakes.
And because of this criticism and wanting to make my dad proud I needed to know it.
All I need to make needed to make him proud of me had a fear of not being good enough, so that was great for me in lots of ways.
I strived to have all the answers.
I got straight A's in school and got lots of praise from teachers and things.
Not my from my father, but other people.
And maybe behind the scenes my father loved me and thought I was smart and cared for me more, but I was never told that.
So I was continually driving myself to get pride and acknowledgement from my father and again that ultimately at that time good for me coming from the wound and the shadow and the fear of failure because I got good grades, I became the good boy.
I went to university, I got a great job and that was based on what I knew.
And yeah, all all good.
But at some point in our lives, the shadow which works for us in this sense, the wound that which works for us, the striving to go out and heal the wound in the outer world, becomes limiting and gets us stuck.
Or Life for the soul wants us to turn that around and examine the fears behind that and heal the wound.
So at some point in my in my career with IBM I got to this place where this no longer fulfilled me.
To to know things that have the good job.
To have this sense of self importance because I was had you know a good job and new things and and also in that time if I look at some of the challenges that I had after some awareness I was quite opinionated and judgmental of others I hated, couldn't stand people in my workplace that were incompetent.
Of course that was projection because I feared incompetence.
Not knowing it all, not knowing the answers, it limited my capacity to learn because you know to go into a learning situation, the brand that's brand new.
You want to go in with knowing and being comfortable with your incompetence and your inability because you don't know things yet and you've never been taught.
But I would not probably not even sign up for things or feel very disturbed because I didn't know things.
Um, I felt very vulnerable because I should know things before I was even taught.
It was.
It was insanity in in so many ways.
So this, um yeah, made me close minded in lots of ways.
It was hollow and not fulfilling.
And I was not in that sense answering those inner questions that would also bubble up like this.
Deeper questions of Who are you?
Luckily I had this other side of me that kept on Pester Me and that was like an inner inquiry that bubbled up like find out who you are.
And I also had this curiosity of the unknown, um, I love Star Trek in and this was like one of the questions with error that one of the parts of the theme was go where no man has gone before.
If I was in the Middle Ages or or the age of exploration later on I would have been on a ship traveling the ocean to unknown lands and curiosity of what's out there in the explorer and adventurer.
And so we had this part of me that that love that and came alive when I traveled because I let go of what I thought I knew and started step into some sense of curiosity.
And even in university, although I took the some other pretty solid subjects, I became interested in things like genetics because there was so much not known about genetics.
So those are the subjects I would have loved to gone back and study at that time because there was so much intrigue in that.
And only later on did I realize that history, which was kind of factual things that I was already known and that didn't interest my curiosity explorer side.
I came to know that history was a mystery also because it was written by the conquerors and not always true.
So there was a mystery within history that I started to have an appreciation for from that explorer side and that curiosity side.
Well, that innate curiosity of human beings kind of drives and has been driving the inquiry of finding out more through science through all of the expansion that we've been going on.
So this adventure, this explorer, this inquiry in looking for answers is a really positive side of our human psyche.
So absolutely nothing wrong with that.
But if we're in this left brain, um, approach to it, it can land us in closed boxes, closed mindedness, closed heartedness into a worldview.
And that satisfies us.
We know things now.
We become this nodal within our field of influence.
And then were unwilling 2.
Open up to other peoples perspectives, viewpoints, ideas.
And we get into this polarized kind of place where we are in human society now and we think we need to fix the other person because they don't know what we know and we need to teach them because they're wrong and we're right.
We know it all.
They don't, and I for anybody.
We relic one human organized Organism, all of humanity with many, many cells, and none of us holds all of the truth.
We will find more truth by opening up to many different perspectives and learning how to drop our assumptions and our beliefs and our biases.
And more and more in this information age we can go down these rabbit holes which follows our biases and our assumptions and our belief systems which lock us in to even deeper opinions of and judgment of other people that are outside of our box.
And we become, we fall our own cult of experts and we become an expert and really close.
And science in many ways has become closed and and biased towards certain opinions and judgments and we now know the answers to this versus science.
At his base is this open inquiry exploration and and OK for now we know this but what else and do we do we know at all.
Is there another theory and it's it's goes deeper and more expansive and science in our world today like many things has become very materialistic.
So what about the spiritual side.
Some scientists are really whole and more right brain and the genius comes from first coming from the whole right brain the heart and the spiritual sense of ourselves into the left brain.
The analytical the sorting of the information and patterns and putting together and then coming back into the wholeness of the right brain, and the beauty of looking at it, the world in a whole new way.
So this sense of curiosity, this sense of inquiry, stepping into the mystery of life, I think is is extremely important.
This quest into the unknown.
Who am I?
Who are we letting go of what we think we know?
This knowledge, this conditioning for giving ourselves from our mistakes and our fears and opening our hearts and mind to what's possible versus getting stuck in our world view and our old problems.
Um, so part of this is coming up from an encounter by some people recently which which bugged me and that they came from a know it all perspective, just like I suppose I did.
I used to and sometimes do.
When I get into that that situation, I get very frustrated because I want to explore a dialogue.
What's What's real in this situation?
And I might start talking about something, I get interrupted and an assumption is made, and they're telling me what they know before they've even listened.
So in my world, more and more over the last few years, I've really appreciated the capacity to dialogue and open our hearts and minds and sit in dropping those assumptions, listening deeply.
And that's been a journey for me.
And um, speaking and listening also from the inner voice saying as I'm called to say something from that deeper knowledge.
So instead of here coming from the intuition, inspiration and I think there's much more opportunity when we can allow let go of what we think we know and the conditioning, the dogma, the beliefs, these assumptions and come from this place of curiosity in and and intuition and insight.
Because I think if we're going to solve the world's problems that we've created based on the the left brain, knowledge and knowing and step into the curiosity and inviting in insight, we'll get to some more expansion, which has really been our journey all along.
Is this energy of the child, this curiosity?
And And when we come from this child energy open to the unfolding, it's more creative, it's more playful.
What I notice is lots of synchronicity.
I'm surprised and delighted by what shows up in my world when I'm much more open versus got my blinders on.
And not in the sense of inquiry and curiosity about and wanting to know about others, but just stuck in my own worldview.
Or encountering people that are stuck in their own worldview and trying to change them.
Or them trying to change me rather than trying to understand it's a much more enlivening place to be.
Um, one of the sayings in the in the Bible, Matthew 18 verse three says unless you change and become like like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.
I think that speaks that childlike energy to to play, to curiosity, to open heart and open mind.
This wide open place of learning and exploration, the adventure and letting being open to letting the insight of justice drop in so much possibilities in our world.
When we can connect to that child energy, we I think we can have the opportunity as adults to connect to that child energy.
And then from that place go on this deeper exploration towards truth, which is held more in the in the right brain in the wholeness view rather than the parts and pieces.
I believe that humanity is going through this great shift from left brain thinking 2 whole brain thinking and incorporating the right brain and leading with the right brain to the left brain releasing from the feminine energy and the open insightful energy of the feminine into the masculine.
So the masculine following and supporting the feminine energy rather than what's happened for 1000 years.
We're moving into this age of insight, imagination, innovation, inspiration, and letting go of what we think we know and being comfortable and embracing uncertainty, just like the child has the courage to just jump into whatever experience is showing up in the moment.
I think is our opportunity here and our genius, I think is in the power of formulating good questions.
Because if we're formulating really open-ended powerful questions that entices the universe spirit intuition, however you think of that realm of God, to answer our questions and bring in that genius.
And I think maybe a yaoi on the positive sense could be part of this great shift as all the things that the left brain wants to no is at our fingertips and can be answered at our fingertips.
With AI, we don't maybe need to use our left brain as much to figure things out, so maybe it frees us up. 2 more powerful questions.
And yeah, maybe, maybe we can shift to her Inside quest, Inside quest for knowledge the the bigger questions of the universe versus trying to figure out the mechanical world, the material world.
Ask questions of spirit, of deeper inquiry with each other.
Come into coherence with each other.
Just dropping this business of the left brain mind needing to do these things.
Dropping the self importance of ego and need to know from an ego perspective and drop into presence, into being and into this this wealth of of knowing.
Opening up the knowing mind, the right brain, which is a sense of knowing without the facts and data and the information.
Just pure knowing omniscience, in a sense, yeah.
So that's my hope, my prayer.
I hope this was useful to your own exploration, and I invite you to look at your own journey and story around knowing, not knowing, being smart enough.
Um, rebellion against the experts?
If that's that's where you are, or you're infatuations with people that no thanks.
Or your disturbances of people out there around knowing, not knowing, not knowing enough, not good enough.
Because many of those things, all those things, especially if there's an emotional charge, are are like shadows.
They're projections of our self.
And by turning that around and going inside with yourself, or opening it up into inquiry with others, they can sit with you and not tell you the answers.
But inquire with you into the unknown.
Um, I think in that place there's there's much expansion to be had in life.
So thanks for listening.
If you want to join me in inquiry into the shadow, into letting go of what you know or suspending what you know and think you know, your assumptions, beliefs and playing in this area, there's a few ways you can do that.
On a personal basis, you can work with me in coaching, mentoring, shadow discovery sessions where we can inquire into into what disturbs you, where there's a charge and see what drops in.
It's more that's more about process than me giving you advice or telling you what to do.
It's not about about, not about that.
It's allowing us to open to this childlike energy.
Um, stepping into curiosity so that the um what we need to know gets revealed to us.
And the other opportunity would be in my dialogues which you'll also find on the Wisdom Waze Net site where together we will have inquiries into in these insight cafes, In leadership cafes on my Elevate work.ca site, there's leadership based dialogues into the questions of business and and anyway yeah, if this podcast was useful to you please share it with your friends and and all the best in what's arising in and through you.
Take care.