Connection does matter. Ultimately, it may be the only thing that does really matter in this human experience. I would suggest that there is only one core "problem" that anyone has in this world and that is our belief that we are separate. The solution to the problem of separation is connection and connection is possible to attain because it reflects the authentic truth of who we are. Therefore, through practices of connection, all forms of suffering can be eliminated. Fear separates. Love connects. Reconnection is the Soul's journey back Home.
Think about it for a moment. Better still, feel into it. Take any problem you think you have and ask your self, "What is the core limiting belief that creates this problem?" For example, consider a few of the most common problem areas that people identify with today:
Most people would agree that the world is experiencing an acceleration of change. Technological advances such as in digital communication are changing our relationship to ourselves, to other people and to our planet. While these advances give the impression that we live in a more connected world, people everywhere are actually feeling more isolated, disconnected, powerless and separate than ever. A few examples are:
If we felt wholly connected to ourselves, our sense of a separate "other" would disappear. If everyone felt wholly connected to and one with each other, I contend that there would be no more war or crime. The root cause of separation is within ourselves and when we reconnect with the truth of who we are, we become reconnected to the whole of humanity, to our natural systems and to the one essence or Spirit that breathes through all of life. As we each remember our wholeness, the world responds and reflects this back to us. In wholeness, our current projections of separation into the world are extinguished and true peace is established, one projection and separation belief at a time.
The best place to start with reconnection is with ourselves. . To reconnect, we first must become aware of where we have created beliefs and stories of separation and then heal them. This is tricky because separation is so much a part of how we construct our lives, that the experience of separation is "normal". It seems to us that these experiences are "just the way is and always will be." These experiences of separation have become "the air we breath and the food we eat". Separation beliefs are so much a part of our individual and collective realities that they hide as shadows in plain sight. Because of this, I would recommend you search out awareness tools or get assistance from skilled practitioners that can help you see what you cannot see or are resistant to seeing. Once you are aware of specific separation beliefs, fears and stories, you can do the work to forgive, reprogram, let go, reconnect and integrate.
Here are some practices to incorporate into your Soul journey:
Reconnection, as mentioned, is the Soul's journey back home. Your inner voice, as well as Life Itself, will give you guidance and clues for your unique journey. The Universal Soul is working for you and will guide you to the best people, approaches and tools for you, at the best time . You must, however, be ever careful about listening to the ego's voice, because ego will keep you in separation and suffering. As you reconnect with truth, the ego loses its power.
In reconnecting with your unique Soul path rather than ego distraction, I suggest you become aware of some of your unique soul anchors or guideposts:
Our subconscious programming (beliefs), personal and collective, become the filters through which we perceive, create and experience our lives. Beliefs are not true in themselves, but because we think they are, and it is our thinking and feeling that creates our reality, what we believe creates a "reality" that is true for us. However, if a belief is changed or disintegrated at its source, we will "think up" a different reality or life experience. Because our conscious and subconscious beliefs influence everything in our lives, it is an important practice to become aware of our beliefs and have the ability to reprogram them and/or disintegrate them.
In my Refreshing Beliefs e-course, you can learn tools to become aware of limiting and separation beliefs and transform them. This is an important, empowering practice in creating your great life. Ultimately, after learning how to reprogram limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs, I suggest that you then consider disintegrating all beliefs and just following and acting from your illuminated KNOWING. Having NO BELIEF in my view, invites the experience of ultimate connection, eliminating any kind of separation.
Everyone has a story. In that story, everyone has a bag of wounds and fears that they carry around with them that influence how they perceive and act in their world. The energy contained within this "bag" weighs you down and actually attracts more of the same painful, separation experiences. While the experience of wounding can help you feel empathy for others, and therefore a sense of connection, it is in transforming the wound completely that releases you and other people from the experience altogether. As you heal and transform your own wounds you have the capacity of holding space for the "miraculous" healing of others. In your own reconnection with Source therefore, you can help to reconnect others with their Source.
When we are emotionally wounded, especially in childhood, in order to survive and feel loved, we "split off," suppress, or reject parts of ourselves. Our psyche gets separated or fragmented into many, separate parts. These unowned or rejected parts/energies become qualities that we then project onto others as "bad" or "good" or as "dark/evil or light." Carl Jung called these "shadows" and these shadows are at the root of our human experience of separation. The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a classic story that has the concept of the "shadow self" behind it. In order to get reconnected, feel our wholeness and find lasting peace, we need to identify and reintegrate these shadows. This is an essential practice and Soul journey that many healing systems do not do and therefore get limited or temporary results. You can learn more about shadows and shadow integration work and in my free e-courses Being Powerful and Jumps for Joy.
While healing your experience of separation and the suffering caused by it is a unique, personal journey that only you can travel, you are not alone. The wisdom for your journey is within you and it will give you the perfect path to find your way, one step at a time. I know this from personal experience. I was led to the right people and tools at the right time to go ever deeper in reconnecting with my Self. I have learned that we are always in the right place and when we are ready to let go of resistance and make a decision to get reconnected, the appropriate resources show up for us. Hopefully, we make the decision before we suffer too much.
If you get some sense that with my experience and tools that I may be able to assist you, please contact me for a free consultation to explore how we might work together. I can help you with discovering your purpose, your core values, reprogramming and disintegrating beliefs, forgiving yourself and others and reconnecting to your wholeness through essential shadow integration work.
Above all, please connect with joy and adventure inherent in your Soul journey!
Richard Schultz assists leaders in unlocking their true potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives. Courses, life mentoring and dialogue with Richard can help you live your legacy and build capacity to thrive with change!
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