Many people use positive affirmations for success. Think of positive affirmations as personal, positive beliefs that you want to have support you in reaching your goals in life. These goals could be anything from changing a behavior or habit that no longer serves you, to creating new habits and behaviors that do support you. Powerful affirmations can be helpful to achieve goals in any area of your life. For example, if you are struggling with physical health issues, healing affirmations have been known to help people heal or heal faster, sometimes miraculously.
However, affirmations are not all equal. Not all affirmations are 'powerful affirmations' and not all systems of doing affirmations are equally powerful. So what are powerful affirmations? For the purposes of this page, 'powerful affirmations' are affirmations that are simple, specific, efficient and get the results you are looking for, in the most effective way. Using powerful affirmations for success means that you are using the best affirmations for your situation, in the best form AND, you are quickly and effectively programming your subconscious mind with these new beliefs. Powerful affirmations get you results — they work.
Affirmations are important because all human beings have been 'programmed' with limiting beliefs over the course of their lifetime, but primarily in the first 6 years of life. These limiting beliefs were passed down to you mostly through your experience with parents or caretakers who received those limiting beliefs from their own parents. Beliefs are held in the powerful subconscious mind which is responsible for habits and the subconscious mind is very resistant to changing beliefs as adults. However, unless you do change your limiting beliefs, your subconscious mind will continue to run these old programs and limit what you can achieve. For example, if your subconscious mind took on limiting beliefs about money, health, love, etc., then you will continue to struggle in these areas until you have changed or updated the subconscious mind programming.
If you want to change your life, let go of struggle or efficiently achieve certain goals, you will need to know how to change your subconscious beliefs effectively. This is where powerful affirmations for success come in. Powerful affirmations are the 'new programs' which you want your subconscious to adopt and run automatically. Programs such as, "I am healthy." or "I am confident and secure in my work."
⇒ Can you imagine being able to erase all the programs for ill health or poverty and automatically run new programs that bring you health and abundance in every area of your life?
⇒ Can you imagine being able to perceive the world through as filled with love, peace and joy instead of through belief programs attract and create fear and stress?
It is important for everyone to know how to use powerful affirmations for success.
The best affirmations or belief statements take a particular form.
In the proper form, powerful affirmations are:
You can find many examples of positive affirmations for success in the sample list of powerful affirmations below. But remember, affirmations are only powerful if they are specific to your needs, and you know how to get them effectively and efficiently into your subconscious mind. The best affirmations will often be reprogramming or 'disintegrating' your limiting beliefs.
In my free Refreshing Beliefs e-book (includes list of 1500 powerful affirmations) or my Refreshing Beliefs e-course, you can learn in much more detail how to create your own powerful affirmations that are specific to your needs and how to quickly and easily do subconscious mind programming for success in all areas of your life.
The simple answer is yes. If you have a goal to achieve or an experience or behavior that you wish to change, then you will want to have powerful subconscious beliefs supporting that change rather than sabotaging you. If you are finding it a struggle to change certain areas of your life, then it is pretty much guaranteed that your subconscious beliefs are playing a role in that struggle and keeping you stuck in the old patterns. To achieve your goals with greater ease, it is important to make a conscious decision to do effective subconscious mind programming.
Think of the subconscious like a computer. Positive powerful affirmations are the NEW desired subconscious programs or 'coding' to create new 'outputs' or 'printouts' that the computer will run automatically. You can consciously decide what new programs you want to run, but you also need to know how to get those programs (affirmations or beliefs) into the computer (subconscious mind) effectively and efficiently.
As children, the subconscious mind is wide-open to accepting new programs. Children are in highly programmable 'brain states' (Delta, Theta and Alpha brain waves) which allows them to quickly learn the skills and behaviors they need to thrive and survive. However, by about age 12, this 'brain-state' has shifted to a primarily 'Beta' brainwave which does not lend itself well to new programming, except by constant repetition of affirmations or repeating behaviors over and over again until they become new habits run automatically by your powerful subconscious mind.
The old way of doing affirmations isn't practical
The way that most people have learned to program affirmations into their subconscious mind is to repeat the affirmation over and over again until the behavior has changed or the goal is achieved. On average, this means that a person needs to say the affirmation hundreds of times per day for about a month! Yikes! This just isn't practical, especially since most of us have hundreds if not thousands of limiting beliefs that need to be reprogrammed. Very few people have the discipline to repeat an affirmation hundreds of times per day. There needs to be a better way.
Better ways to program powerful affirmations
It is crazy to continue to do affirmations the old way, except as additional support. Instead of saying an affirmation over and over again, it is more effective and efficient to get yourself into a 'highly programmable' brain state such as Alpha, Theta or Delta. Meditation, hypnosis, as well as new sound technologies can help with this. Often, these sound technologies are combined with subliminal positive affirmations. As you listen to the sound, it puts you into an Alpha brain-state and the new positive affirmation just slides into the subconscious as if you were a child soaking up and learning new beliefs from its parents.
In addition, there are new affirmation or belief change systems such as my Refreshing Beliefs Method course where you can easily learn how to reprogram your limiting beliefs in just a few minutes without any special skills like hypnosis or any sound technologies. This method for programming powerful affirmations for success is simple, effective and safe.
Many people find that affirmations don't work - even using the more efficient techniques mentioned above. When I taught PSYCH-K® which was endorsed by Dr. Bruce Lipton in his book, "The Biology of Belief," I found that beliefs could be changed quickly and easily but unfortunately many people still did not experience the full results they were looking for. In my experience, if you are just focusing on programming the new positive affirmation into the subconscious, you will get limited results. And why are you doing this work? To create change — results! With no results, people give up and say, "Affirmations don't work!" But that is not completely true.
My experience is that powerful affirmations (or changing limiting subconscious beliefs) do work, but this is only one piece of the change puzzle. Doing affirmations alone, often gives limited results. For example, you can do all the belief change you like, but if you do not consciously take the necessary actions to support the change, then you may not achieve the goal. For example, you can have all the positive subconscious beliefs to become a medical doctor, but if you don't register for University, do the studying or write the exams, then you will not become a recognized doctor.
There are also significant psychological reasons why just programming a positive affirmation into the subconscious may not be enough. Some examples of reasons why affirmations may not be working for you are:
As mentioned, not all affirmations are equal and not all are relevant to you. You are unique and have specific limiting beliefs with specific emotional triggers that others do not have in the same way. Therefore, although a list of positive affirmations, is very helpful, you also need to learn how to create your own powerful positive affirmations.
Lists of Positive Affirmations
As a starting point to powerful affirmations, you can use a list of positive affirmations to help find the affirmations that are applicable to your experience and as an inspiration to create your own affirmations. In my free Refreshing Beliefs e-book, you will learn how to use a list of positive affirmations to find the best affirmations for your purpose or goal. This free e-book also contains a list of 1500 powerful affirmations in 20 life categories. In my Refreshing Beliefs Method e-course you will learn a complete proven system to create and find the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, how to change them quickly and how to make your affirmations more powerful.
So, what is the bottom line?
Clearly, everyone needs to be able to change their subconscious beliefs if they want to get out of the struggle of life and achieve their goals. It is a critical life skill. However, belief change is just one of the necessary skills on your path to a fulfilling life and in reaching your true potential. Don't stop with affirmations or belief change. Also learn how to forgive, learn how to embrace your shadows and learn how to surrender to Spirit and let Spirit/God guide you to ultimate joy! Learn to accept that you are inherently resourceful, whole and everything you need to be.
On your path, it can also be helpful to have a coach, mentor or guide that has mastered many of these life skills who can help you navigate life when you are feeling stuck or are stretching to new goals and opportunities. Please contact me if you would like to explore a long term mentoring relationship or a few private sessions to get you unstuck and back on track.
Richard Schultz assists leaders in unlocking their true potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives. Courses, life mentoring and dialogue with Richard can help you live your legacy and build capacity to thrive with change!
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