Life Levity Unlimited Workshops |

  Elevate Life

Life Levity Unlimited


Workshops to Lighten Your Life

and Rise to New Heights

Life Levity Unlimited - Workshops to lighten your life!
Life Levity Unlimited - Workshops to lighten your life!

The Life Levity Unlimited workshops are focused on elevating your success in all categories of your life experience. Everyone has certain life challenges or areas where they want to improve the quality of their experience. This may be with money, relationships, self-esteem, health or spirituality. In these workshops, we will focus on particular life themes to transform the root causes of what is limiting your success, and expand your creative capacity to not only attain your goals, but rise up in peace and joy in the process.

In relation to the workshop theme, you will:

  • Reconnect with your life essence and true potential
  • Reprogram limiting subconscious beliefs that hold you back
  • Identify, process and let go of emotional charges that keep you stuck in old patterns
  • Discover and embrace lost "shadow-parts" that contain the secrets to sustained success
  • Be engaged with a community of like-minded & like-hearted life explorers  
  • Open your heart and mind to a more expansive, elevated experience of life   

Workshops are small, intimate and highly experiential. You'll have opportunities to not only deeply connect with yourself, but also the opportunity create genuine connection with fellow participants. You'll contribute to each other's breakthrough experience and celebrate in each other's success! 

Life Levity Workshop Schedule

Sat, Nov 5 - Sat, Dec 10
11:00 AM to 1:30 PM Canada / Ontario / Toronto
C$ 997.00

Learn a powerful system to finally transform what keeps you stuck.

In this intensive online workshop you will learn how to do "Shadow Integration Work" to effectively transform core wounds into core gifts, peace and joy. You'll learn how to recognize, retrieve and integrate lost parts of yourself to find wholeness.

Includes 6 live online group sessions of 2.5 hours each, workbook, homework and text support.

Contact Richard


 Contact Richard

About Richard

Richard Schultz assists leaders in unlocking their true potential, authentic power and inner wisdom to create extraordinary, high impact lives. Courses, life mentoring and dialogue with Richard can help you live your legacy and build capacity to thrive with change!

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